In December, I had the privilege of meeting Fr Dr Nadim Nassar, Director of the Awareness Foundation, for our Virtual Christmas Peace Feast. From the safety of the beautiful Beddington Park, I caught up with Dr Nadim to hear about life by the sea in Syria, where we can find hope this Christmas and peace between the East and West. With live music, some tasty festive bakes and inspiring words from Dr Nadim, it was an encouraging night in a year where we're looking for hope.
Some reflections on the evening include:
"I like the way Dr Nassar talks about after the pandemic stopping to reflect on our relationship with God, creation and each other."
"Thank you for such a positive look at diversity and an attitude of learning when approaching difference that one might not have come across before."
"Fr Dr Nadim Nassar is very inspirational, appreciated his comments of the importance of small acts of kindness"
An extra highlight of the evening was seeing our friend Abdul-Haleem and the feast of traditional Arabic pastries that he had prepared for his family. Abdul-Haleem and his family were part of Bridges' Middle East b.friend programme and I had the honour of meeting them, along with their b.friend volunteer Beth, back in the summer. His Arabic sweets are the finest I have ever tasted!

With thanks to Great Get Together Facebook community grants for enabling this event.